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Free Discovery Call

Consulting Sessions

Our customized one-on-one approach is tailored to each student's educational and athletic aspirations. We look forward to speaking with you about how we can help navigate your student's academic landscape.

Course selections and post-secondary planning session led by an experienced Guidance Counsellor: $100 for a 1-hour session.

ATHLETE-FOCUSED: Course selections and post-secondary planning session led by an experienced Guidance Counsellor: $125 for a 1-hour session that includes NCAA core course GPA calculation & course eligibility review.

Existing Clients: 30-minute virtual consulting session.

Existing Clients: 45-minute virtual consulting session.

VIRTUAL: 1:1 Consulting Session 
(60 Min)

Existing Clients: 60-minute virtual consulting session.

IN-PERSON: 1:1 Consulting Session 
(60 Min)

Existing Clients: 60-minute in-person consulting session.

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